Composition Tips for Better Nature Photography
A photo is the reflection of what the camera sees. However, when a photo is thoughtfully composed, it shows the world what the photograph wants to show. Composition might be complex, especially in nature but with some basic strategies, one can easily go about with it.
Lead the eye in
In order to create a powerful composition, the first step would be to use existent visual elements to lead the eyes of the viewers into the scene. Elements used can be about anything. For example, curves, lines or progression of shapes. Lines that go from the foreground to the background are particularly effective for that. Other shapes present in the foreground may also lead the eye. For instance, a river can compel viewers to follow its lines.
Find a good foreground
The foreground is the element that would convey depth to the photo. It would also provide it with an edge. The foreground also serves as a point of reference and will make the picture look less “busy”.
Engage the eye with repeating patterns
The human eye is naturally drawn to patterns. This is part of our ability to organize what would seem as chaotic. When the eye would be exploring patterns, it would also be seeing all other elements present on the picture. When a picture contains visual repetitions, the viewer’s eye will keep on moving and thus, an interest in the picture will be maintained. In nature repetitive patterns are brought from beds of flowers or shapes such as water lilies in a pond.
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